design : : the tenth dimension

07 February 2008

Imagining the Tenth Dimension
Take the time to watch the whole video- it's worth it. The only point of contention I see is the assumption that Big Bang was the start of the universe. Of course, how this might explain the structure of an intelligently designed universe isn't discussed. The tenth dimension, the end of the dimensional structure where all places, all time, and all possibilities coexist: sounds like God, doesn't it?

Posted by ck at 2:38 PM  


Hey Christopher, thanks for the recommendation of my animation, glad you enjoyed it.

Your mention of the big bang is interesting, because it ties in with one of the things I've talked about in my blog and at the tenth dimension forum quite a lot - quantum physicists like Seth Lloyd in his book "Programming the Universe" suggests that we think of the big bang as the very first binary yes/no in collapsing a certain universe out from the background of indeterminacy. That aligns very nicely with what I'm portraying - what's before the big bang? Quantum indeterminacy. What's after the end of the universe? Quantum indeterminacy. It all loops back on itself once you get out to the background fabric of timelessness and indeterminacy.

If you search for the words Information Equals Reality in google you should find some interesting discussions about this idea.


Rob Bryanton
Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Rob Bryanton said...
11 February, 2008 15:49  

Wow, Rob Bryanton commented himself? Do you think he just has something automated that searches for blogs discussing his book/video and there are 4 or 5 chunks of text that are tailored according to certain words that are used in the blog (like in your case, "big bang")?

cameron king said...
13 February, 2008 23:42  

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