design : : beautification?
12 February 2008
This is the other big project I'm working on. It's the face lift of a 60s apartment building in Bearden. It represents the worst that modern architecture churned out in the mid 20th century (a big reason for the current general revulsion of modern architecture).
The "Carlton Arms" is going from a quasi-retirement home to a hip "New York style" high-end apartment building. We'll see if we can achieve something like that.
The client wants historicist architecture, rather than make it a good example of updated modern design. So I'm doing the best I can. I typically try to want to stay away from historic imitation, but it can be done right with someone who skillfully understands the underlying principles of historic styles. I'm trying to make the Carlton the best it can be, given the circumstances. There's plenty of horrible "historic" stuff going up everywhere (try going to Turkey Creek). Modern or historic, both need elegance and balance- which is sadly in short supply here in Knoxville.

Awesome project bro! "Historicist" has got to be better than leaving it the way it is, and it's surely cheaper than tearing the whole thing down and starting over. Anyway, I'm sure the end product will be quite eye-pleasing. Nice work!
And I love the new look of your website! You're constantly changing it! 2 little things I thought you should know (not criticism, just FYI): You're text at the bottom of the front page says "click the 3rd tab" for your blog and it's actually the second. And the other thing is: looks like you forgot the "e" in "slice" for your "" link and so it directs people to a "Page Not Found" blogger site.
LOVE YA BRO!!! Did you get my e-mail about how great the Andrew Bird video was and how I really want that book, "Imagining the Tenth Dimension"?