design : : posting from a macbook air
05 February 2008
I'm at the Apple Store killing time waiting for my appointment at the Genius Bar. The screen on my MacBook Pro isn't working. So I'm fooling around with the new MacBook Air.
It's cool. Apple has really let design take a front seat with this model. It has all the best features that all the previous models hinted at. The solid state flash hard drive is awesome, much faster than a standard hard drive. While I won't be shelling out $3000 anytime soon, I can see that this is where all computers are heading. Soon we'll see the HP and Dell versions of this breakthrough, until it will be hard to remember when laptops were more than an inch thick.
does it have a disc drive?
no, you have to use a really thin external disc drive. but i think cds and dvds are on the way out for computers. most info will be transfered wirelessly, or at least will mega-capacity thumb drives.

Nice to see finally a like-minded person! I find it interesting how many people just can't let go of 'old-school' methodologies & marketing gimmicks present in current notebooks. I've written a lengthy review on the MacBook Air on my site here:
I'd love your comments on it :)