first post of the year!
05 January 2009
Well, here we are. This year is hopefully going to be different than 2008, maybe more of a Sabbath year, some time to rest and get into a groove for the first time in a long time. I feel like the page has been firmly turned on my "post-college era" and some kind of new, completely adult era is being entered. Alice has a job and a routine (no more college!) and I am doing the same thing (architectin') I've been doing for four years. Luckily each new project is always a different challenge, so it hasn't gotten monotonous yet. We're both truckin' along now, getting experience and pursuing careers(!). The rest of the time we're just trying to find out how to live meaningful lives and making do in this crazy world.
So here's to 2009 and blogging about it. I'll be updating this week about all the house stuff and getting back to putting more thoughts here instead of just internet content. 2008 was the year I really got into putting my life out here on the interwebs, and I plan on continuing to do so in the coming year. So c'mon back!
bring on the content, ck.
Good to have you back! I am optimistic about 2009 for all of us. 2008 was a bit of a trial, but I hope we all passed.