i'm talkin' 'bout sweet 16s not m16s
16 January 2009
First up, Andrew Bird has a new album coming out (!) and you can preview it over at NPR, who have become the big Bird cheerleaders. We'll see how the Indie World's coolest classical violinist follows up my favorite album of 2007.
And now for something completely different:
If I had made a cult classic TV series that made uncool cool, next on my list would be to make a music video with the following:
1) creepy porn star mustache
2) roller skates
3) jumpsuit
3) 70s camper van
Seriously, if someone let me make a music video it would end up a lot like this one. And I would probably get Ron Williams in tight clothes to roller skate. Well done, Flight of the Conchords!
via the Flight of the Conchords free podcast, which I would highly recommend subscribing to on iTunes.
I listened to the new Andrew Bird at work today. I thought it was very pretty.
the big bird cheerleaders??! awesome!