animal poop

29 April 2008

Well, Ellie has been shooting hershey squirts all over the place the last few days. Poor dog. I can't imagine being cooped up in a bathroom all day trying to hold it. She did the best she could- she went in the bathtub. That's been three times in as many days. And Bob had it last week and was crapping all over the place. The best is when they have to go at night and they sneak off to the entry hallway. Then you find all that poop in the morning when you're going out the front door and late for work. Thanks, dogs.

In related news: the cats have figured out that the fern pot is a good secondary litter box, and have consequently killed it with all their digging. Thanks, cats.

Alice called me yesterday and asked me to take them all to the pound. She was that mad. Lesson in all this: we need a house for all these crazy pets, and we need it soon. A one-bedroom apartment was not designed for six mammals.

Posted by ck at 11:23 AM  


My vet told me to feed my kitten pumpkin to help with his mad diarrhea. Apparently it contains fiber to "bulk up the stool." I've been feeding him that mixed with yogurt and it's totally helped.

Shauna said...
29 April, 2008 21:01  


Nick Letendre said...
01 May, 2008 10:59  

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