podcast and photos
28 March 2008
I've loaded up some pictures of the house from last weekend here. Photo credit to my sister Colleen. If the rain quits tomorrow morning I'll be cruising on the front gable finally.
I uploaded a song from the new Andrew Bird EP Soldier On- "Oh Sister." It's good. He mentions "Sister Winter" and Alice and I are wondering whether he's referencing Sufjan's song or just using a similar metaphor. It sounds like he's playing a mandolin, which I'm sure will excite Colleen, who has started playing one herself. I like when artists tide us over between albums with these EPs. You can listen to it here. Enjoy!
shauna- horseradish, just a shade or two from pure white towards tan.
colleen- bomb.com! did you like the song?
i love it! did you know it's a bob dylan cover?
if that's the case then that begs the question: did sufjan get sister winter from dylan?

What's the trim color?