chillout weekend
11 November 2007
Alice, Greg and I went hiking up at Frozen Head State Park yesterday. We went up a trail called the "Chimney Tops Trail" but failed to find any chimney-like rock formations. We had already crossed one mountain and it looked like we'd have to go up another one, and the sun was going down fast. The days are getting short! We'll have to make another attempt to find the chimneys some other time. The trees were beautiful, though, and the weather was great for being outside.
Today we rested up and watched some football. The Steelers pulled it off and that's put me in a good mood this evening. Alice's Titans weren't so lucky. We're going up to Redeemer here in a while for the evening worship. In some ways I like it better than the morning service- there's less people and it's more intimate. Who says you have to worship in the morning?! Plus, it gives us an option when we're out of town for the weekend. We can get back and still be able to go to church at home, something we weren't able to a lot this year visiting both families.
Smee+Busby had a three year celebration on Thursday- so I'd like to say congratulations here. It's been an up-and-down ride, and I've learned so much from the ups and downs. It's shown me how truly hard it is to start a company and keep it going. I pray for their long term success, no matter whether that includes me or not. They're good guys and deserve it. I hope and can help in my won way.
Alice's semester is heating up and so is her stress. It's a pretty ridiculous program. They basically have to hold down a full time internship and maintain graduate level courses in the evenings. I know she'll do well but she's not feeling so sure right now. I'll be glad when the semester wraps and we can relax for the holidays.
It's been a good weekend. This is a no-frills post, just letting you guys know see a little of the normal life we live.