house update no. 1,287
17 October 2008
Well, things are moving fast. The downstairs electrical work is mostly done, the heating and air conditioning is hooked up, the water and sewer lines are hooked up. Mark, the plumber, is doing all the tile work for me and is about 40% done. The bathtub tile surround looks awesome! Now that I have AC working, I can start laying hardwood downstairs, which I'm picking up today.
Now it's down to:
-finish upstairs drywall
-finish upstairs trim
-paint upstairs
-get upstairs carpet installed
-trim out stairs and handrail
-lay hardwood downstairs
-put in plumbing fixtures (once the tile is done)
-install stove hood
-paint porch floor
-finish porch ceiling
-build back porch steps
Still a lot to do, but much better now that i can get off of drywall finishing. Oh yeah, that's the other thing- Rose, my banker involved with all this, found a good drywall sub to do the remaining work for me. Yes!
Mom, Ethan, and Mary Kay are coming down from West Virginia to help for the weekend. Alice's mom should be showing up sometime too. So hopefully we can get a ton of stuff knocked out.
The end is in sight! So proud of you bro. Wish we could come down again...but we're really looking forward to Thanksgiving!