bob, terror of geese worldwide

22 May 2008

Cameron somehow convinced us to go on a daytrip to Charleston on Saturday to keep him company. We went down by the river and this happened:
The dogs saw some geese swimming, which got their undivided attention real quick. I called, "Get'em!" to Bob (half joking) and sure enough, he leapt in for the hunt.
Let me tell you, that dog can swim. The geese quickly realized this.
He got so close to one goose that it dove down into the water. And stayed down there for over a minute. I've never seen a goose do that. I guess this was life-or-death for him at this point. Bob started roving, looking for secondary targets. Right about then, Alice realized that there was a goose nearby with a trail of goslings (aka dog snacks) and shrieked. We started yelling and coercing Bob back towards shore in an attempt to keep him away from the young morsels.
As luck (or lack thereof) would have it, on his way back to us the same goose surfaced in front of him. The hunt was on again. After a second dive, the goose had managed to survive and the unsuccessful hunter came back dry land for some petting and cooing from his masters. Which is what he really wanted in the first place.

Posted by ck at 4:53 PM  


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