throw down your heart
03 March 2009
Bela Fleck is opening a screening of Throw Down Your Heart here in Knoxville tomorrow night, even before New York and San Francisco! This film highlights the intersection of two fascinations of mine: African Culture and old Appalachian Culture. Specifically, the African origins of the banjo how music bridges cultures. I'm pretty sure I'll be going.
It also has a cool website worth checking out:
We did. It got Alice all riled up for missions again. But we missed him at the Blue Plate the next day!
Oh well, he has a concert here in April with some of the musicians he met in Africa. We're planning on going.
OH man! I wish I could have seen this with you! I love Bela Fleck AND Africa.
I just bought the Throw Down Your Heart album and I am freaking out!!
The film was so wonderful! I can't wait to pick up the album.
Did you all go see it? I love that clip. I wish we had a banjo player to take to Haiti with us!