design : : one of mine
20 December 2007
This a restaurant design I've been working on for the last week- Sullivans in Farragut. I had a good meeting with the client today and I'm excited about the potential for this project. He wants a "warm" modern look to it- something I'm very happy to design for him.
Yesterday I went up to site for the Cowen Dining hall and it's looking good! It's about 45% complete. I'll post some pictures of it on here soon.
design : : in democracy
17 December 2007
Last night I spent a few hours designing the campaign poster for my step-dad's election (left). Election related graphic art is an interesting phenomenon. It really tells a lot about the candidate. It may not matter to most people, but it's and important indicator: how a candidate conducts their campaign gives you a preview of how they'll conduct themselves in office. This goes for their graphics as well. Most of the stuff put out there is crap. Bad campaign graphics say: "I don't really care about the details and I just want to put out the bare minimum to get what I want. Well-designed campaigns show that the candidate cares about all aspects of his/her campaign and pays attention to quality- if they don't know anything about good design, they will find a good designer to help them. This attitude will carry on long after the election is over.
Two old infamous campaign stickers and Obama's attempt to graphically indicate a "new dawn" in politics...
Hopefully my efforts will help Drew win his election. I tried to me modern but not too edgy, conservative but not boring, and above all else- tasteful and proportionate. For your consideration, my dear readers...
sister winter
12 December 2007
This is just a short post, but I just wanted to put down for the record that I'm currently obsessed (i.e. ipod on repeat for hours) with the song "Sister Winter" on S.S.'s Christmas album. It communicates a lot of what I've been feeling this year-
(1) having so much to be thankful for and knowing it
(2) yet not feeling happy and content much of the time
(3) then feeling guilty and apologetic for (2)
Maybe we're not meant to be completely content in this world... I don't know. But I do know I am glad Christmas is coming, maybe more so than I have in a long time.
i hit a lull
11 December 2007
Well, blogging took a back seat this week- it's been busy at work and Greg has had my camera. The image to the left has been the view of most of my life lately. The good ol' office. I'll get a real post here in the next day or two. Hopefully something with some personal stuff over the holidays.
In case you can't read it- it says "ARCHITECTS ARE BETTER BY DESIGN"
An old guy who used to work with me left this ridiculous mug behind at the office.
design : : you too can own a badonkadonk!
02 December 2007
The JL421 Badonkadonk a real thing being sold on Amazon. It has 6 hp of power an a certain Mad Max feel to it. The customer reviews are hilarious, but this one takes the cake.
Apparently this "battle tank" has problems with speed bumps. I love the thought of this thing going on a rampage through a trailer park.