new place for photos
24 November 2009
So, I like Flickr... but Yahoo sucks. I don't want to have to remember another login name and password and I want unlimited uploading. And I want a generic place where anyone can go, not just my Facebook friends. Then I remembered that I'm paying for this fancy .mac subscription, which has a pretty nice pic gallery component. So from now on I'll be uploading most of our photos here. You can also always just hit the 'photos' tab at the top. Most of the photos are there are old but I've uploaded a few never before seen ones- like Alice vastly enjoying her bubble tea at a random Chinese place in Nashville. Enjoy!
logo evolution
17 November 2009
I thought this was an interesting insight into the logo graphic process:
epic mobile homes
05 November 2009
one of the best clips ever
04 November 2009
Below is one of the best episodes this season. Check out the wasp nest scene at 2:50. "There could be something delicious in here that wasps DO make, and I want that."